Thursday, November 10, 2011

Bagaimana Tekanan Jiwa Membunuh Anda

Dalam satu kajian, larva pepatung diletakkan di dalam akuarium di mana ia dapat mengesan kehadiran pemangsa yang berada di persekitaran tersebut. Sebenarnya pemangsa tidak dapat mengapa-apakan larva pepatung itu kerana ada halangan yang diletakkan. Satu lagi kumpulan larva pepatung diletakkan di kawasan yang tidak ada pemangsa.
Kajian mendapati larva yang berada di kawasan pemangsa adalah di antara 2.5 hingga 4.3 kali ganda lebih berkemungkinan untuk mati daripada larva yang tidak mengahdapi tekanan untuk di makan.
Manusia juga sebenarnya sama sahaja, akan lebih pendek umur jika hidup dalam tekanan. Kajian yang dilakukan oleh University College London mendapati mereka yang sentiasa bahagia dan gembira adalah 35% lebih berkemungkinan untuk hidup dalam tempoh 5 tahun lagi daripada mereka yang suram, tertekan dan tidak bahagia.
Memang benar sebenarnya bahawa hidup tertekan dan senantiasa muram membawa kepada maut. Banyak yang telah saya lihat daripada kalangan orang tua-tua yang melayan kesukaran serta perasaan mereka dan mula hidup penuh dengan kesuraman akhirnya menjadi semakin lemah ditimpa berbagai penyakit dan akhirnya membawa kepada kematian.(wartashubhi)

Raja Abdullah Al Saud Talian Hayat Terakhir Haji Najib?

Jamil Khir Baharom Pecah Rekod Dunia !

Selesai Haji. PM nampak semakin comel berjubah. Poster
PRU13 nanti tentu akan menggunakan Najib siap berpakaian
ihram atau jubah berserban!
Kepulangan PM Najib hari ini dari menunaikan fardu haji di Tanah Suci Mekah dengan membawa satu berita paling menggemparkan apabila dia mengumumkan sambutan paling luar biasa daripada Kerajaan Arab Saudi terhadap pemerintahan negara kita sekarang.
PM Najib juga mengumumkan Menteri Di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom telah memecah satu rekod dunia dan mencipta sejarah apabila dijemput berucap memberikan ceramahnya di Mina dalam bahasa Arab. Ceramah yang dibuat oleh beliau merupakan satu-satunya menteri dari Malaysia yang diberi penghormatan sebegitu oleh Kerajaan Arab Saudi. PM Najib juga mengatakan ceramah tersebut dipuji dan diperkatakan di seluruh Arab Saudi!.

PM Najib juga mengumumkan satu lagi rekod dunia tercipta apabila beliau diberi peluang berbual dengan Raja Abdullah yang berada di Riyadh. Mereka berbual selama 25 minit melalui telefon.
Satu lagi rekod dunia dipecahkan oleh PM Najib diumumkan olehnya tadi apabila menjadi pemimpin pertama dunia yang bertemu dengan Putera Mahkota baru iaitu Putera Naif. Mereka dipertemukan selama setengah jam.
Merumuskan perkembangan yang berlaku di Tanah Suci tadi , Najib berkata ini membuktikan Raja Abdullah yang merupakan penjaga Tanah Suci Mekah nampaknya telah merestui pemimpin-pemimpin kerajaan Malaysia yang ada sekarang dan amat memuji mereka.
Nampaknya pemergian rombongan PM dan delegasinya ke Tanah Suci kali ini berhasil mendapat berkat dari Kerajaan Arab Saudi dan misi mereka berjaya nampaknya. Sudah tentu peristiwa ini menjadi satu modal besar untuk semua orang Melayu memangkah Umno atas restu yang besar Najib terima dari Raja Abdullah.
Haji Najib sudah bersedia untuk berentap dalam Pilihan Raya nampaknya. Ini bakal menjadi ujian pertama baginya semenjak memegang tapuk pemerintahan negara setelah mengambil alih daripada Pak lah.
Modal menunaikan haji digunakan terus sebaik sahaja beliau memijakkan kakinya tadi di tanah air dan selepas ini kita bakal melihat semua poster BN akan memaparkan Najib dengan lengkap berpakaian Ihram.
Agaknya ramai ke orang Melayu akan terpengaruh dengan pemergian Najib yang bergelar Haji sekarang ini???(wartashubhi)

Uzbek Connection !

World’s worst daughter? – Gulnara Karimova
As the saga of Taib and Najib’s global image-building continues to unravel, we can reveal that they not only shared their PR advisors with the notorious dictator of Kazakhstan, but also with the even more horrendous regime of Uzbekistan, where dissidents are boiled alive!
FBC Media’s Italian branch concluded a contract with Gulnara Karimova, the notoriously grasping eldest daughter of the country’s savage dictator, to boost her public image as she attempted to launch a global fashion and pop star career.
Younger generation – Gulnara likes to be known as an academic and a politician. However, this is how she promotes her singing career!
Gulnara is regarded as ‘the most hated person in Uzbekistan’, according to diplomatic cables released through WikiLeaks, because of her extraordinary raids on the country’s wealth (which includes oil and gas) and her own flamboyant self-promotion.
She is also regarded as her father, President Islam Karimov’s likely successor and the second most powerful person in the country.
When Gulnara divorced her husband, he was immediately stripped of his favoured monopoly over soft drinks in the country (which was given to her). He took refuge in the United States, but 24 members of his family were then arrested and sent at gunpoint over the border into Afghanistan!
She poses in multiple roles as a billionaire business-woman, pop singer, diplomat, government minister, her country’s permanent representative to the UN as well holding a position as a university academic and acting as patron of various organisations – all thanks to her father’s patronage!
Gulnara showing off her models and designs at Milan Fashion Week
Above all Gulnara wants to be a famous fashion designer and has poured her country’s resources into fashion shows in top locations so she can show-case her talents!
Indeed, Karimova, who has been dubbed ‘The World’s Worst Daughter’, appears to combine plain greed with a burning desire to be considered sexy and artistic, as well as clever. As the pictures below would suggest, Gulnara’s Daddy has provided her with everything, except an ability to see herself as others do!
  • World's worst daughter? - Gulnara KarimovaWorld’s worst daughter? – Gulnara Karimova
[More of Gulnara's relentless self-promotion and photographs are available on her website and on You Tube]
Unfortunately, this ludicrous self-indulgence has come at the expense of her people, who are kept backward and poor, despite the rich resources of Uzbekistan.
Showing off her own ‘Uzbek style outfit’
It was a situation FBC Media were clearly happy to take advantage of. In 2009 they accepted 222,000 euros (about a million ringgit) to promote Uzbekistan’s so-called ‘Style US – Art Week”, which mainly provided a platform for Gulnara.
FBC’s duties included organising fashion shows and gourmet dinners and arranging for designers such as Oscar de la Renta and Valentino to appear at the event, along with stars like Sting and Rod Stewart!
The whole contract was eagerly signed by FBC Chairman, Alan Friedman, who was clearly aware that Gulnara’s wealth could buy plenty more such self-promotion. , Gulnara is apparently notorious for demanding a slice of every successful business in the country, providing yet another parallel with Uzbekistan’s model of government and the rapacious regime of the Taib family in Sarawak.
Slave labour and Gulnara’s fashion business
Decked in jewellry – The Taib family ladies would approve of this ‘soul sister’
Possibly the most controversial aspect of the Uzbek regime is that it remains the only country in the world where the State formally exploits child slave labour. Around 2 million children as young as 7 years old are driven out of school every year and forced into weeks of back-breaking work to bring the cotton harvest, managed by the state.
Despicably, that slave-farmed cotton doubtless supplies much of the material that Gulnara uses for her ‘fashion business’, promoting ‘Uzbek style’ across the world’s catwalks. Her association with such a terrible trade and further accusations by her ex-husband that she has also benefited from a trade in sex-trafficking women of her own country, has led to a series of protests and demonstrations outside her shows in the US and elsewhere.
One protest against a Gulnara fashion show in the US
Prime client for FBC
With such a terrible reputation plastered all over newspapers and the web and such a desire to be loved and admired, it is no surprise that glamorous Gulnara, with all her millions was beating a track to the door of FBC Media and Alan Friedman’s specialist PR services and crooked programme making.
FBC staff are reported to have been dismayed beyond belief that they were being bullied and cajoled by the aggressive Mr Friedman into presenting Gulanara on global factual TV programmes as if she was a benevolent woman seeking to help the less fortunate women in her country!
But the next contract forged with FBC’s Italian branch did exactly that. No less than three features were contracted for CNBC’s World Business, which FBC produced to showcase Gulnara and her supposed efforts to help women in her country develop small businesses. None of the movies mentioned the shocking human rights record in the country, of course. FBC Reporter Graham Addicot concentrated on featuring Gulnara as a well-meaning progressive following in the footsteps of Barak Obama!
We can reveal that Gulnara’s government office paid 28,000 euros (around RM 150,000) each for these three movies, making a total of over 80,000 euros (around half a million ringgit).
Milan and the World Economic Forum
Suave – FBC’s Alan Friedman shows off his best suit at Gulnara’s gala evening in Milan !
FBC were also willing to throw all their other contacts at Gulnara. They managed a gala of Style Uzbek at Milan Fashion week the following year at which Gulnara appeared on stage with her models, showing of her own creations!
Alan Friedman had himself photographed at the occasion and then went further in helping his extremely controversial client to meet up with the ‘great and the good’ of Italian business society by organising a ‘Business Seminar’ event.
Invited attendees included Letizia Morati, the Mayor of Milan, Andrea Goretti of Fininvest Group, top businessman Elio Cosimo Cantania and several other Italian movers and shakers who Gulnara was keen to get into her contacts book as she launched her global fashion plans!
Posing as a world economic leader on CNBC’s World Business – it cost Gulnara 28,000 euros!
Gulanara’s ambitions went further still, as she clearly sought to promote herself as a world political and business leader as well.
So Friedman again put his carefully cultivated contacts at her disposal, by showcasing her at the World Economic Forum in Davos, where he has managed to acquire the status of a ‘Media Leader’.
Naturally, Gulnara managed another appearance on CNBC’s World Business, which FBC Media guaranteed to all its clients. But, Friedman went a step further in arranging a special private meeting between Gulnara and the highly regarded Chief of the WEF, Klaus Schwab! What great PR for the ‘Worst Daughter’ of Uzbekistan. No wonder FBC Media’s clients were happy until the whole crooked set up was exposed.
Carefully photographed and then posted up on CNBC. Schwab’s meeting with Gulnara – later it apparently continued into a private audience !
It seems extraordinary that such a prestigious world figure as Klaus Schwab, who by definition is knowledgeable about current affairs, allowed himself, like the Italian business leaders, to be introduced by FBC Media to such a person as Gulnara Karimova.
However, it cannot pass un-noticed that in the summer of 2009 Uzbekistan staged an event on the opening day of the summer World Economic Forum in China, featuring ‘Dr Gulnara Karimova’ at the head of an Uzbek Cultural Presentation. Such platforms do not come cheap at such a prestige event as the WEA.

Mahathir - Cashing out from Malaysia?

By M Nathan

Why is it that Mahathir has forced Najib to give Mirzan the gas concession from Qatar Gas and force Tenaga to buy this gas at an inflated price? Imagine buying and shipping gas all the way from Qatar to burn here in Malaysia to generate electricity? Is this not going to bankrupt TNB and Malaysia in the process. NST reported recently that TNB has no more cash. How is this possible? A monopoly company going bankrupt?
Many people saw Mirzan on  the flight to Qatar to close the deal which forces our utility giant (now crippled because of other Mahathir’s cronism ideas like take or pay for Francis Yeoh iPP) to buy this gas using Petron, the San Miguel money laundering oil company in the Philippines. Just ask Fidel Ramos, who fought against and beat Eduardo Cojango the Chairman of San Miguel, and became President. It’s a matter of time before the Phillipinos put these crooks in jail. Lets beat them to it!

PRU-13 please vote out UMNO. No matter how much anyone may think its not important, the only way to get rid of Mahathir, cronyism, corruption,
Mirzan and these crooks and put them all in jail is to vote UMNO out. Its also the only way to have cheap electricity bills and to save TNB, and as a whole
save our country Malaysia from this greedy cheating mamak.

You can also see the merger of Kencana and Sapuracrest, they are taking money out RM 500 million from a merger and getting the SC to approve it.
No where else in the world would this be allowed. Go to Sharil Sapura’s daughter’s wedding soon and you can see this mamak connection and crooks all at the wedding. Go there and BERSIHkan their unholy alliance. Throw Sharil and Mirzan, Mokhzani, Muhkriz and all these children pretending to be aristocrats when all they are are just really nothing but crooks. We need to make sure they go behind bars. All of them, cashing out of Malaysia on the pretext of being so and so. PRU-13. This time, not wait to PRU-14. Only way to get rid of Mahathir and the mamak crooks and clan - Get rid of UMNO.


Wednesday November 9, 2011

Kencana, SapuraCrest to jointly bid for contracts


PETALING JAYA: Kencana Petroleum Bhd will jointly bid with SapuraCrest Petroleum Bhd for international engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning contracts upon completion of their merger slated for the first quarter of 2012, said Kencana group chief executive officer Datuk Mokhzani Mahathir.

“With SapuraCrest winning the contract from Petrobras, this is good for the merger. These are some the things we are hoping to do as a bigger company. To jointly bid for contracts is the whole purpose of our merger,” Mokhzani said.

SapuraCrest announced on Nov 1 that it had been awarded a US$1.4bil (RM4.4bil) contract to charter and operate three units of Pipe Laying Support
Vessels (PLSV) from Petroleo Brasileiro SA (Petrobras). It will be SapuraCrest's maiden entry into this region.

Asked whether Kencana was preparing or investing more for capital expenditure for future international jobs, Mokhzani declined to comment.

A Nomura Research analyst said SapuraCrest was making its mark in the oil and gas arena. While the analyst remained “neutral” for now on SapuraCrest, he said this development was setting up nicely for a re-rating story. “We are positive on this development. While we are still cautious in the near term,
this provides further comfort to investors to buy into the SapuraCrest Petroleum-Kencana Petroleum merger story,” the analyst said, adding that the
original Petrobras tender had involved six vessels for a total value of about US$2bil (RM6bil).

“The award of the lion's share of the contract, and without a tie-up with any other major installation player, signifies how far the company has come in
terms of international competitiveness since the Sapura group first became involved in 2003,” the analyst said.

He sees substantial earnings impact after the capital expenditure jump a 50% increase in normalised profit in its financial year ending Jan 31, 2012.Another analyst was less optimistic on SapuraCrest's ability to garner good profits from this contract. This is because, based on a report by Upstream, SapuraCrest's bid for the Petrobras contract was 9% below its closest foreign competitor.

“Nine per cent is very substantial. So I am concerned about the margin contribution of this project. Many Malaysian companies that go overseas always
go through a learning curve. To get a foothold in this project, SapuraCrest may be foregoing its margins on this project,” the analyst said.

Upstream reported that SapuraCrest had received bids from a list of Brazilian facilities that included OSX, Eisa, STX, Brasfels and Wilson &
Sons for the construction of one unit.

The report said only SapuraCrest had made a competitive offer for a single Brazilian-built vessel, with a daily charter rate of at least US$265,000.
SapuraCrest also bid to supply the two larger foreign-built vessels at US$245,000 per day 9% below the closest foreign bidder.

SapuraCrest is in the midst of merging with Kencana to form what would be the country's largest support services provider, valued at about RM12bil.

Under the proposal, Kencana shareholders will get RM3 a share worth of Integral Key Sdn Bhd stock sand cash, while owners of SapuraCrest stocks will receive the equivalent of RM4.60 per share in shares and cash. Integral Key is the special purpose vehicle established by Mayban Ventures Sdn. Bhd.

Ahli akademik diugut, apalagi ahli UMNO yang berlainan pandangan akan diboikot!

Pegawi khas: Muhyiddin tak faham, kritikan Ku Li mahu selamat Umno

 KUALA LUMPUR, 10 Nov — Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah memberi pandangan ikhlas untuk menyelamatkan Umno apabila mengatakan ruang untuk bersuara dalam parti teras Barisan Nasional (BN) tersebut terhad dan ramai dipinggirkan, kata pegawai khas kepada pemimpin veteran itu.
Muhd Lukhman Ghani, yang juga ahli jawatankuasa Umno Petaling Jaya Utara memberitahu, perkembangan semasa menunjukkan bahawa parti itu perlu memberi ruang yang luas kepada ahli-ahlinya untuk bersuara, bukan setakat memilih perwakilan mengikut kehendak kepimpinan untuk berucap pada perhimpunan agung setiap tahun.
"Tengku Razaleigh (gambar) sebenarnya memberi komen akibat keluhan dan keresahan ahli-ahli akar umbi, di mana mereka tidak boleh bersuara . . . tulisan dalam blog dan buku, yang terbaru seperti Kesilapan-kesilapan Najib, adalah contoh apa yang dirasakan dan difikirkan oleh ahli-ahli Umno di peringkat bawah," kata Muhd Lukhman lagi.
Kata beliau, sekiranya kepimpinan Umno tidak memperbaiki keadaan ini, pada satu hari nanti rakyat "akan mengubah kita."
"Kita kena berubah atau rakyat akan mengubah kita... itu mesej yang hendak disampaikan oleh Tengku Razaleigh," kata beliau lagi.
"(Oleh itu) pemimpin kena dengar pandangan orang bawahan, berikan mereka ruang untuk bersuara," katanya menyelar respons Timbalan Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin kelmarin kononnya Umno tidak pernah menyekat mana-mana suara ahlinya dalam menyatakan pandangan seperti didakwa Tengku Razaleigh.
Dalam kenyataannya, Muhyiddin berkata Umno tidak pernah menyekat mana-mana pemimpinnya di semua peringkat daripada menyuarakan pendapat tentang isu melibatkan parti kerana Umno mengamalkan prinsip demokrasi.
Muhyiddin berkata setiap hari beliau membaca dalam akhbar banyak pendapat daripada pemimpin-pemimpin Umno yang mengulas mengenai pelbagai isu yang membuktikan tiada sekatan daripada parti.
"Tiada satu pun pekeliling yang dikeluarkan kepada mana-mana pemimpin Umno baik di peringkat negeri, bahagian atau individu mengatakan mulut mereka terkunci dan tertutup sepanjang masa. Kadang-kadang mereka bercakap lebih daripada yang sepatutnya pun," katanya menjawab Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah pada hari yang sama menegaskan bahawa Umno sudah tiada peluang untuk bersuara, dan jika mahu bercakap pada perhimpunan agung pun, individu itu perlu mendapatkan kelulusan pihak atasan.
Pada 22 Julai lalu, Tengku Razaleigh yang juga Ketua Umno Gua Musang melancarkan sebuah pertubuhan bukan kerajaan dikenali sebagai Angkatan Amanah Merdeka (Amanah) dengan beliau sebagai presidennya, sebagai platform untuk menyuarakan pendapat secara lebih meluas.
Kelmarin beliau mengumumkan agenda susulan pertubuhan itu selepas menerima kelulusan Pendaftar Pertubuhan bulan lalu.
Ahli Parlimen Gua Musang itu juga menegaskan beliau terpaksa menubuhkan Amanah kerana tidak lagi mempunyai ruang untuk bersuara dalam Umno.
Ia termasuk ruang untuk bercakap sewaktu perhimpunan agung Umno diberikan syarat yang ketat termasuk perlu mendapat kelulusan pimpinan parti.
Sambil menekankan bahawa banyak pihak dalam Umno dipinggirkan daripada memberi pandangan sama ada secara langsung atau tidak langsung termasuk dalam media dikuasai Umno sendiri, Muhd Lukhman menambah, Muhyiddin yang juga Timbalan Presiden Umno tidak sedar yang dirinya juga sedang dipinggirkan oleh media Umno.
"Sebenarnya Muhyiddin tidak faham atau buat tidak faham apa yang hendak disampaikan oleh Tengku (Razaleigh)," katanya lagi.
Mengambil kira pandangan itu, beliau berkata, status Muhyiddin mungkin berada di tangga kelima dalam carta 'orang yang diberi prioriti' oleh Umno dalam melahirkan suara mereka.
Perkara itu menurut beliau boleh dilihat melalui program-program anjuran Umno dan liputan media arus perdana yang pro-BN sendiri.
Ahli Majlis Tertinggi Angkatan Amanah Merdeka (Amanah) ini berkata, orang pertama yang diberi keutamaan oleh Umno adalah Datuk Seri Najib Razak dan isterinya Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor.
Kedua pula katanya, adalah Menteri Penerangan, Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan Malaysia, Datuk Seri Dr. Rais Yatim dan isterinya Datin Seri Maznah Rais.
"Tempat ketiga diberikan kepada pengampu-pengampu Najib dan yang menyalak ke arah (Datuk Seri) Anwar (Ibrahim) seperti Senator Ezam Mohd Nor dan Zaid Mat Arip serta ahli-ahli Parlimen bebas yang mengecam pembangkang. Muhyiddin tak ada dalam ranking empat yang utama, apatah lagi naib-naib presiden Umno.
"(Dalam Umno) kalau mengampu kerajaan baru dapat ruang," sindir Muhd Lukhman yang menyifatkan hanya 'ruang terpilih' yang ada dalam Umno.
Bagaimanapun mengulas perkara itu semalam, bekas perdana menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad berkata saluran alternatif seperti blog harus dijadikan platform pemimpin parti politik untuk bersuara.
"Kita boleh guna blog untuk bersuara. Kalau tidak boleh bersuara dalam parti, kita guna blog. Dalam parti, kadang-kala dia (pemimpin) pun tak berapa dengar.
"Kita ada kebebasan bersuara. Jadi, kita boleh bersuara tetapi kalau orang lain tak berapa dengar, kita tak boleh buat apa-apa," kata bekas presiden Umno ini yang masih berpengaruh dalam kitaran politik negara ini.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Kos Membunuh Seorang Muammar Gaddafi.......

Berapa agaknya kos untuk menjatuhkan seorang pemimpin yang memerintah Libya selama 42 tahun tanpa ada sesenpun hutang dengan IMF maupun Bank Dunia?
Pada thun 2009 Gaddafi telah memeterai perjanjian dengan US dengan mengizinkan kemasukan beberapa syarikat korporat Amerika dan kelulusan diperolehi bagi melatih pegawai-pegawai keselamatan Libya dan juga orang awam.
Dan kemudiannya para pegawai yang telah dilatih tersebut jugalah yang sebenarnya bertukar menjadi askar pemberontak dan seterusnya menjatuhkan pemerintahan Muamaar Gaddafi sehingga dia mati dibunuh.

Seburuk-buruk kepimpinan Libya, sebanrnya dia berjaya mentadbir negara tersebut sehinggakan berbagai kemudahan telah diberikan kepada rakyatnya yang sudah pasti selepas ini tidak akan dapat lagi diperolehi daripada pimpinan pro-US yang telah mengambil alih.
Keseluruhan kos yang dikeluarkan oleh tentera Amerika dan juga tentera British untuk membunuh seorang manusia bernama Gaddafi adalah sebanyak USD2 Billion ! sedangkan negara Amerika sedang menuju ke arah muflis yang tidak dapat diselamatkan lagi.
Baca laporan daripada The Guardian Sri Lanka di bawah:

The cost of killing Gaddafi


by Shenali Waduge 
  (October 21, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) In 2009 Libya was a friend to the US so much so that Libya allowed several US corporate giants to enter & approval was given for training of Libyan security personnel & civilians. These were the civilians that eventually became rebels given arms by the West to overthrow Gaddafi in a movement called liberating Libya . Arming locals has become a new strategy to avoid deaths to coalition forces while NATO is tasked to take on the indiscriminate air strikes. So what has been the cost for killing a man who has ruled a nation for 42 years without debt to the IMF or the World Bank? It took 8 months for US-NATO to take over Libya, the pro-US Libyan Government may celebrate & rejoice but that celebration is as short-lived as the jubilations in Iraq & Egypt where the people are beginning to realize their country would have still been better off with Saddam Hussein & Hosni Mubarak! 

 "Let all US-NATO nations realize that the people of the world are no fools. Citizens of these nations may be fooled since mainstream media have blinded them with lies &false versions to brainwash them but nemesis for the innocent deaths will follow US-NATO & their leaders for the destruction they are doing to the people, the environment & to nations throughout the past decade." 
The world needs to know that Gaddafi gave Libyans. Education in Libya is free to everyone from elementary school right up to university and post-graduate study, at home or abroad, Libyans enjoy free health care, ratio of one doctor per 673 citizens. Libyans are given interest free housing loans, free land for farmers. In 2010, Libya ranked 53rd on the Human Development Index (out of 170 U.N. member states), making it a high human development country, electricity is free for all its citizens. if a Libyan buys a car, the government subsidized 50% of the price. price of petrol in Libya is $0.14 per liter. Libya has no external debt and its reserves amount to $150 billion “ now frozen globally A mother who gave birth to a child receives US$5,000 40 loaves of bread in Libya costs $ 0.15 25% of Libyans have a university degree, All newlyweds in Libya receive $60,000 Dinar (US$50,000) by the government to buy their first apartment so to help start up the family. Prior to the international sanction placed on Gaddafi & Libya in the 1980s, it was one of the richest in the world by GDP per capita “ with a living standard higher than Japan. It was the richest in Africa before the revolution. Libya is the only country in North Africa where terrorists do not exist. Fundamentalists have no voice whatsoever in Libya. Not a single terror-incident has been recorded in Libya during Gaddafis regime. Gaddafi is no saint but the above examples show that the qualities of leadership that made Libya what it was need to be benchmarked against what the US & West have in store for Libya that has been purposely destroyed to advance the agenda of the West.   
  With the death of Gaddafi the most important question is where are the 50,000 people that Gaddafi is supposed to have killed prior to US-NATO forces attacking Libya? Clearly the genocide claim is a lie “ a little too late as the objective of killing Gaddafi has been achieved. 

  The number of civilian casualties as a result of US-NATO air strikes, rebel attacks & pro-Government forces range between 1000 & 10,000. These remain only â€Å“estimates†. Mainstream media has erred in blaming deaths caused by pro-Gaddafi totally ignoring the reality that the majority of deaths would have resulted by the indiscriminate bombing by US-NATO air strikes. NATO cannot deny that it has purposely targeted civilian infrastructure – hospitals (Al-Tajura Hospital & Saladin Hospital in Ain Zara), power generating facilities, water purification systems, tv stations & other communication networks, civilian airports, schools, government buildings & residential complexes. The purpose of such bombings is obviously to destroy the country's institutions. The UN Human Rights organization or other human rights bodies seem to care little for the realism behind the exercise of freeing Libya & at the fatalities that has been caused by NATO which has no mandate whatsoever to carry out air strikes on Libya. What these international bodies are doing to humanity is a shame & a crime for which all of them must be tried for holding office & remaining silent over crimes taking place under false motives & concocted lies. 

  Thus the humanitarian bombing campaign part of the R2P agenda is part & parcel of a new military strategy carved by the West & a major component of this strategy is to destroy civilian infrastructure. This methodology was applied in Yugoslavia & Iraq where bridges, power plants, water systems, cultural & historical heritages, schools & hospitals were all identified as legitimate military targets validated in advance. In Yugoslavia the civilian economy was the target. 

  The US military intervention in Libya has cost America USD896million. While UK tax payers have to fork out £200m & likely to cost up to £1bn & rising just to kill one man! In all the operation to free Libya of Gaddafi would have cost USD2billion.   

  The USA is morally and financially broke, uneducated and sick but it is its arrogance that continues to think that all nations must bow down to US dictates. Gaddafi's Libya will soon find out what it is like to live in a country without Gaddafi's charisma in a country that is soon likely to be fleeced by the West. Where people will be broke, without money, hungry, paying for all services but reminded all the while that they are free, liberated & enjoying the fruits of human rights . In the meanwhile, the US will ensure friction amongst tribes in Libya so that turmoil will prevail just like they are doing in Iraq & Afghanistan while Western oil giants cease the oil, gold & all natural resources that Libya possesses which in reality was the reason for the whole exercise of humanitarian intervention. 
  It is not difficult to comprehend the trend that is taking place & the dangers of the West's financial turmoil will mean further humanitarian operations on targeted nations & the basis for the next stop being Syria is already under way. 

  Let all US-NATO nations realize that the people of the world are no fools. Citizens of these nations may be fooled since mainstream media have blinded them with lies & false versions to brainwash them but nemesis for the innocent deaths will follow US-NATO & their leaders for the destruction they are doing to the people, the environment & to nations throughout the past decade.  SOURCE:- Srilanka Guardian